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Highlighted Features

From sending bulk messages to scheduling your campaigns, ClientsPlug offers a suite of features designed to redefine customer engagement.

Bulk WhatsApp

Dispatch mass WhatsApp messages with randomized inter-message delay.

WhatsApp Chatbot

Automate responses with a customizable WhatsApp chatbot.

API Access

Integrate ClientsPlug with your projects via API.


Dispatch single or bulk poll messages and receive panel reports.

Multiple Whatsapp

Consolidate multiple WhatsApp accounts for simultaneous usage.

Multiple Phonebooks

Categorize and store multiple phone numbers.

Messages Logs

Review logs of dispatched messages.

Action Buttons

Deliver WhatsApp messages with clickable buttons for quick response

Schedule Message

Plan your campaigns for future deployment.

Multiple Plans

Choose from diverse plans tailored to your needs.

Scrap Data

Extract data from various websites for insights.

Web Chat

Engage in WhatsApp chats within the app.

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